HESS is a typical Swiss SME

The collaboration with HESS has been very beneficial for BERNMOBIL. “Flexibility, innovation and considered lifecycle management make HESS a strong partner,” explains Markus Anderegg, Deputy Director and Head of Technology at BERNMOBIL.

In 2017, we defined a multi-year strategy for electrifying our fleet. It is tailored to changes in the line network and replacement purchases of vehicles. The aim is for our fleet to operate in a CO2-neutral manner by 2040. For BERNMOBIL, this means electrifying the bus fleet and switching from buses to trams. Our strategy literally runs on two tracks: on the one hand, well-used lines will be converted from buses to trams. On the other hand, the bus lines will be switched from fossil drive to electric drive. We have around 160 buses in operation, of which 40 have already been electrified. However, these buses are used on lines with high passenger volumes. So even though there are currently “only” 40 electric buses, they transport a large percentage of our bus passengers. Together with the trams, we are already transporting over 70% our guests in vehicles without any fossil drive.

Our experience with HESS is very positive

In the recent past, we have had two procurement projects with HESS. The first project – for articulated and double-articulated trolley buses – was in 2016. This project ran very smoothly. We were even able to adjust our order during the project and procure more double-articulated trolley buses and fewer articulated buses. You don’t get this flexibility with every company. In 2023, we issued a tender for double-articulated trolley buses for a new line. We also awarded this mandate to HESS. The HESS buses meet the technical requirements of the route very well. There are only approx. 40% overhead lines on the route, which is not a large percentage. It is therefore important that the bus batteries have sufficient capacity to travel along the rest of the route. There are also inclines on the route that place additional demands on the battery. HESS presented a solution that best covered these technical aspects. The contract will run for 16 years, so HESS is able to ensure good lifecycle management.

We trust HESS

If a large company decides to no longer produce buses, production will be discontinued, which will also have an impact on service This puts customers in an awkward position. So the fact that HESS is an SME and family business is not a negative aspect for us. HESS also manufactures niche products. A considerable number of HESS buses are in operation in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. For this reason and based on our experience during the initial procurement project, we are certain that HESS, as an SME, can secure lifecycle management in the long term. At BERNMOBIL, we believe that HESS‘ decision to position itself as a manufacturer of double-articulated buses makes a lot of sense. Special products are undoubtedly its strength.

We know each other …

HESS is a family business. It’s a stable, traditional Swiss SME and “we know each other”. HESS is a typical SME, and I mean that in a positive way, as the term “SME” stands for innovation, reliability and dedication in Switzerland. We speak the same language and have direct contacts.

Service is key

It’s not essential for us that a supplier is only 20 kilometres away. It’s important that they provide competent service and can deliver replacement parts quickly. And that they can get to us within a reasonable time if we require on-site assistance. But, yes, competence is the most important aspect and we need the right people and good contacts. We know that it’s not easy for suppliers such as HESS, as the electrification process is different for each transport company. There is no blueprint and they’re always faced with different challenges or priorities. So suppliers must offer a very high level of flexibility and instinct. They must ask the right questions and be able to offer the right assistance. And that is exactly what HESS does.