It is longer, bigger, more efficient and more environmentally friendly than its predecessors and run on the Line 9 route for tl (Transports publics de la région lausannoise) since 3 August. Line 9 operates between Lutry and Prilly and is used by around 6 million passengers every year.
The lighTram is 25 metres long and has space for 213 passengers. It is 100% electric and is air-conditioned so that both the passengers and personnel can travel in comfort. It has flat access for walkers, children and people with restricted mobility. Small detail: the normal mirrors have been replaced with ten cameras, which makes the bus less wide and enables the drivers to see better at night.Press releasesSemaine «positive» pour le superbus lausannois (La Liberté/07.08.2020Lausanne: Erster Doppelgelenk-Trolleybus im Einsatz («Méga, extra, super», le bus TL de tous les superlatifs (24heures/02.07.2020)Le nouveau joujou des TL fait 25 m de long (20minutes/02.07.2020)Un trolleybus de nouvelle génération pour les transports lausannois ( dataFlyer lightTram® 25 DC